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(लगन) strong inclination; definite liking

Spelling Word: penchant
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(अलंघ्य) offensively self-assured; dictatorial; not allowing contradiction or refusal

Spelling Word: peremptory
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(स्वतंत्र) approving; tolerant; granting; not strict in discipline

Spelling Word: permissive
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(व्यापक) pervading; spread throughout every part

Spelling Word: pervasive
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(भाषाशास्��्र) study of language; investigation of language and its literature

Spelling Word: philology
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(शारीरिक) pertaining to science of the function of living organisms

Spelling Word: physiological
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(लूट) rob of goods by force, especially in time of war; plunder; take as spoils

Spelling Word: pillage
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(पाइन) have desire for something or someone; yearn; grieve or mourn for

Spelling Word: pine
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(मनमुटाव) sudden outburst of anger; state of vexation caused by a perceived slight or indignity

Spelling Word: pique
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(दुर्दशा) condition or state, especially a bad state or condition

Spelling Word: plight