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 Group 16 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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(регент) ruling; governing; exercising vicarious authority; one who rules or reigns; governor; ruler

Spelling Word: regent
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(восстановление) restore to proper condition; help to re-adapt, as to former state of health or good repute

Spelling Word: rehabilitate
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(ответ) retort; comeback; answer to a reply

Spelling Word: rejoinder
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(трапезы) food eaten or provided at a meal; feast; banquet

Spelling Word: repast
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(известных) state of being held in high esteem and honor

Spelling Word: reputed
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(резолюции) determination; resolving to do something; formal statement of a decision

Spelling Word: resolution
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(ретард) keep delaying; continue to hinder; prevent from progress; impede; hinder

Spelling Word: retard
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(ретроспективный) looking back on, or directed to the past; applying to or influencing the past

Spelling Word: retrospective
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(Райдер) amendment or clause added to a legislative bill; one that rides, especially one who rides horses

Spelling Word: rider
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(щебня) broken fragments; irregular pieces of rock

Spelling Word: rubble