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 Group 18 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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(сутулость) bend forward and down from the waist or the middle of the back

Spelling Word: stoop
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(возвышенное) of high spiritual, moral, or intellectual worth; characterized by nobility; majestic

Spelling Word: sublime
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(подчиненных) occupying lower rank; inferior; submissive

Spelling Word: subordinate
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(подкупать) persuade to act unlawfully, especially to commit perjury

Spelling Word: suborn
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(вспомогательных) subordinate; secondary; serving to assist or supplement

Spelling Word: subsidiary
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(наложить) place over something else; place on top of

Spelling Word: superimpose
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(вытеснить) replace; usurp; displace and substitute for another

Spelling Word: supplant
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(гибкая) flexible; moving and bending with ease

Spelling Word: supple
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(превзойти) be or go beyond, as in degree or quality; exceed

Spelling Word: surpass
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(пропитания) act of sustaining; something, especially food, that sustains life or health

Spelling Word: sustenance