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(sức chịu đựng) physical or moral strength to resist or withstand illness; enduring strength and energy

Spelling Word: stamina
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(tĩnh) having no motion; being at rest; fixed; stationary

Spelling Word: static
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(bóp nghẹt) interrupt or cut off voice; keep in or hold back; suppress; conceal or hide

Spelling Word: stifle
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(mưu) deceptive scheme; military maneuver designed to deceive or surprise enemy

Spelling Word: stratagem
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(vấp) miss a step and fall or nearly fall; walk unsteadily

Spelling Word: stumble
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(cản trở) present obstacle; stump; cause to fail or to leave hopelessly puzzled, confused, or stuck

Spelling Word: stymie
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(siêu) of high spiritual, moral, or intellectual worth; characterized by nobility; majestic

Spelling Word: sublime
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(mua chứng) persuade to act unlawfully, especially to commit perjury

Spelling Word: suborn
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(thay thế) be placed in or take the room of; replace; make obsolete; make void or useless by superior power

Spelling Word: supersede
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(tăng) outburst; roll or be tossed about on waves, as a boat

Spelling Word: surge