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(بے حسی) lack of caring; indifference

Spelling Word: apathy
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(apocalyptic) prophetic; involving or portending widespread devastation

Spelling Word: apocalyptic
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(پریت) ghostly figure; sudden or unusual sight; appearance; state of being visible

Spelling Word: apparition
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(درخواست) close attention; work of applying something; verbal or written request for assistance

Spelling Word: application
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(اندیشہ) take into custody; arrest a criminal; grasp mentally; perceive

Spelling Word: apprehend
Read [Esc] (6)
(arcane) secret; mysterious; known only to the initiated

Spelling Word: arcane
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(تپسوی) leading a life of self-discipline and self-denial; austere

Spelling Word: ascetic
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(خواہاں) incorporate and absorb into mind; make similar; cause to resemble

Spelling Word: assimilate
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(فلکیات) enormously large or extensive; relating to astronomy

Spelling Word: astronomical
Read [Esc] (10)
(avuncular) in manner of uncle, pertaining to uncle; kind, genial, benevolent or tolerant

Spelling Word: avuncular