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(प्रार्थना करना) beg; plead with; ask for or request earnestly

Spelling Word: beseech
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(प्रदान) give as gift; present

Spelling Word: bestow
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(धोखा) be unfaithful; reveal unconsciously or unwillingly

Spelling Word: betray
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(वाग्दान करना) become engaged to marry; promise to marry

Spelling Word: betroth
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(भविष्यव्दाणी) foreshadow; indicate by signs; be an omen of; predict

Spelling Word: bode
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(संक्षिप्तता) quality or state of being brief in duration; concise expression

Spelling Word: brevity
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(कगार) edge, margin, or border of a steep place verge

Spelling Word: brink
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(लैस) rising like bristles; showing irritation

Spelling Word: bristling
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(धमकाना) bully; intimidate; discourage or frighten with threats

Spelling Word: browbeat
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(थोक) majority; main part; volume; mass

Spelling Word: bulk