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 Group 6 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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(不信任,丢脸) defame; destroy confidence in; disbelieve

Spelling Word: discredit
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(挫败) discourage; cause to lose courage or hope

Spelling Word: dishearten
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(分配,分发) distribute; prepare and give out; deal out in parts or portions

Spelling Word: dispense
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(散开) move away from each other; cause to separate; cause to become widely known

Spelling Word: disperse
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(不和谐的(声音)) discord; disagreeable sounds; harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds

Spelling Word: dissonance
Read [Esc] (6)
(蒸馏,萃取,提炼,提纯) give off liquid; purify; refine; increase the concentration of

Spelling Word: distill
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(有特色的,出众的) special; unique; marking or expressing distinction or difference

Spelling Word: distinctive
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(猛烈的) radical; taking effect violently or rapidly

Spelling Word: drastic
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(可疑的) questionable; filled with doubt

Spelling Word: dubious
Read [Esc] (10)
(古怪的,奇怪的) departing from a recognized, conventional, or established norm or pattern

Spelling Word: eccentric