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(レクイエム) having a university degree; having completed training; having steps; arranged by grade, level, degree

Spelling Word: graduated
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(新郎) boy or young man; waiter; servant; man recently married, or about to be married; bridegroom

Spelling Word: groom
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(お粥) liquid food made by boiling oatmeal

Spelling Word: gruel
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(カモメ) mostly white aquatic bird having long pointed wings and short legs

Spelling Word: gull
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(嫌がらせ) irritate or torment persistently; wear out; exhaust

Spelling Word: harass
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(悲惨) agonizing; distressing extremely painful

Spelling Word: harrowing
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(健康) conducive to good health of body or mind

Spelling Word: healthful
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(密封) sealed by fusion so as to be airtight

Spelling Word: hermetic
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(全盛期) period of greatest popularity, success, or power; golden age

Spelling Word: heyday
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(目隠しをする) deceive; take in by deceptive means; delude

Spelling Word: hoodwink