dogma: n. [教条,教义] a fixed, especially religious, belief or set of beliefs; doctrine | downcast: a. [沮丧] low in spirits; depressed; directed downward |
dreadfully: ad. [可怕地] terribly; with alarm; fearfully | drowsy: a. [昏昏欲睡的] dull with sleepiness; showing lack of attention |
duel: n. [决斗] combat between two persons; fought with deadly weapons by agreement; | dye: v. [颜料,染料] color a material, especially by soaking in a coloring solution; take on or impart color |
edifice: n. [宏伟的建筑物] the building, especially one of imposing appearance or size; a structure that has a roof and walls | effectual: a. [有效的] able to produce the desired effect; valid |
elaborate: v. [精细的,精心的,详尽的] work out with care and detail; develop thoroughly | elaboration: n. [细节,复杂] production by a gradual process; the act of working out with great care in detail |
electronic: a. [电子的,电子仪器的] of or pertaining to an electron or electrons. | ellipsis: n. [省略] omission of words from a text; mark or series of marks used in writing to indicate omission |
eloquence: n. [雄辩,修辞] powerful and effective language; persuasive speech | elude: v. [逃避,逃脱,记不起] avoid cleverly; escape the perception of |
emblem: n. [象征] symbol; sign; distinctive badge, design, or device | embryo: n. [胚胎,事物的萌芽期] completely undeveloped form; an animal organism in the early stages of growth |
emerald: a. [祖母绿,翡翠 翠绿色的] of precious stone of rich green color; of a rich green color | eminence: n. [显赫的声望] fame; high-status importance owing to marked superiority; the rise of ground; hill |
enchantment: n. [着魔,喜悦] production of wonderful effects by the aid of demons, or agency of supposed spirits; use of spells or charms | encircle: v. [环绕,包围] form a circle about; enclose within a circle or ring; surround |