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n. [記事] essay; editorial; individual thing or element of a class
An article in a national newspaper caused the protests.
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a. [恥] affected by shame; abashed or confused by guilt
Are you ashamed for having lied?
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ad. [脇] on, or to, one side; out of a straight line, course, or direction; at a little distance from the rest
All joking aside, can you swim 15 miles?
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n. [アスピリン] white crystalline compound drug to relieve pain and reduce fever and inflammation
Plavix, along with aspirin, is widely used to prevent heart attacks and strokes.
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n. [暴行] a violent attack; an onslaught
He's charged with interfering with the performance of a flight crew by assault or intimidation.
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v. [支援する] give help or support to, especially as a subordinate
A good way to assist is to bring entrepreneurial and business skills to them.
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v. [アソシエイト] connect or join together; combine
The public is likely to associate a word or mark with a given company.
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v. [想定] suppose; presume; take on; bear
He looked at me long and hard: I turned my eyes from him, fixed them on the fire, and tried to assume and maintain a quiet.
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v. [保証] tell someone confidently that something is true; guarantee; convince
I know it, and I don't wish to palliate them, I assure you.
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n. [攻撃] offensive move; expression of strong criticism; hostile comment
A national newspaper received an anonymous phone call warning about the attack just minutes before the first device exploded.
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n. [試み] the action of trying at something
I also want to claim that this attempt is a romantic one.
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v. [参加] be present at; go to; take care of; tend
Britain's House of Lords has been described as the best club in London, and for many of the hereditary members who rarely attend debates, that's just what it is.
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n. [態度] posture, action, or disposition of a figure or a statue
One of the major reasons for this change in attitude is that there's more money around.
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n. [弁護士] lawyer; one who is appointed by another to act in his place or stead; proxy
Did this attorney mean to throw away his client's life without an effort?
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a. [魅力] appealing; pleasing; inviting; tempting
The mobile phone companies argue that reducing taxes will make legally imported phones more attractive than the cheaper smuggled models.
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n. [オークション] public sale of property to the highest bidder
The auction is over, and the winning bid was 1000 dollars.
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n. [視聴者] a group of people within hearing; crowd seeing a stage performance
You should have a clear idea about who your audience is and how you can exploit your product through the correct platform.
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n. [権限] jurisdiction; power to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge; government
The laws will reinforce Australia's authority to turn boats away from Australia.
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a. [利用] convenient for use or disposal; not busy, free; obtainable; accessible
Vaccines are available but are costly and only offer relatively short-term protection, so the animals need regular booster vaccinations.
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v. [回避] shield away from; prevent
If you are the press secretary to the President of the United States, the main thing to avoid is becoming the story yourself.
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