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ad. [辛うじて] just; only; hardly; scarcely
Only a few years ago, there were no mobile phones, landlines barely worked.
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n. [バーゲン] agreement between parties concerning the sale of property
'A part of me you must become,' he answered steadily; 'otherwise, the whole bargain is void.'
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n. [納屋] an outlying farm building for storing grain or animal feed and housing farm animals
I daresay it is only a rat scrambling along the rafters of the adjoining schoolroom: it was a barn before I had it repaired and altered, and rats generally haunt them.
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n. [バレル] vessel; large cylindrical container
With the oil price soaring above thirty dollars a barrel and the pumps going nearly at full capacity, Gulf Arab coffers are overflowing with unforeseen wealth.
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n. [野球] game played with a bat and ball by two opposing teams of nine players; ball used in this game
Baseball is more popular than any other sport in Japan.
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n. [地下] cellar; a part of a building that is below the level of the first floor
There are so many things of India which are either lying in the basement of the Victoria and Albert Museum or in the India Office Library.
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n. [バッテリ] beating or pounding; set of guns or heavy artillery; a dry cell that produces an electric current
I'm hoping the battery is just dead and that a quick charge will solve everything.
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n. [ベイ] an inlet of the sea, usually smaller than a gulf; a small body of water set off from the main body
In the library, the books on history are all kept in one bay.
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n. [ビーム] ray of light; a long piece of metal or wood; long piece fixed or movable in structure, machine, or tool
During a severe earthquake, each beam will absorb the shock by crumpling, thereby preventing severe damage to the tower.
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v. [クマ] support; sustain; carry; have; yield; give birth; hold up or support
They studied the ways in which the relativity theory can bear on the history of science.
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n. [軸受] carrying another part; patient endurance; suffering without complaint; the act of producing or giving birth
The U.S. Mint is set to unveil a new $1 coin bearing President Abraham Lincoln's image.
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v. [ビート] whip; strike; defeat; hit repeatedly
Speak roughly to your little boy; And beat him when he sneezes; He only does it to annoy; Because he knows it teases.
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a. [殴ら] formed or made thin by hammering; totally worn-out; exhausted
Finally we saw a village located well off the beaten path.
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n. [代表] represent;  advantage, benefit, the interest of someone
And I'm going to work to assure that that voice that is heard on their behalf is a roar and not a whisper.
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v. [動作] perform; conduct oneself in a proper way
How we behave is up to us, ” but Nikolai believes that one's particular circumstances predetermine everything.
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n. [腹] part of the human body which extends downward from breast to thighs, and contains bowels; womb
His belly is like a cooking pot, Which happens when you eat a lot.
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a. [非難] greatly loved; dear to the heart
But if I go on until my beloved is my bride, and she has taken up my fate, and we are one, and the world knows no difference, what then?
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v. [曲げる] strain or move out of a straight line; curve; turn toward some certain point
Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events.
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n. [空白] advantage; something that aids or promotes well-being; welfare; gain
Another benefit for business is the elimination of currency risk in the Euro area: the possibility that you might lose money in cross-border trade.
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a. [曲げ] determined to do or have
We are bent on going to the theater no matter how heavy the snow is.
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