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4000 IELTS Academic Words | Introduction |
Academic Words Level 3 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[은하계] large, isolated system of stars, as the Milky Way; any collection of brilliant personalities | |
[규정] specialized knowledge; expert skill | |
[진료소] health facility where patients receive treatment | |
[치열] destructive; highly critical; causing or capable of causing complete destruction |
[유휴] useless; vain; trifling; unprofitable; thoughtless; given rest and ease; avoiding work or employment; lazy | |
[신중] free from ostentation or pretension; distinct; distinguishable | |
[등장] come into prominence; spring up; appear | |
[여권] length of time something lasts |
[근간] ready or about to appear; making appearance | |
[진화] develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually | |
[무시] ignore; discount; take no notice of | |
[드워프] cause to seem small; check natural growth or development of |
[무시] ignore; discount; take no notice of | |
[변덕스러운] not fixed or firm; liable to change; unstable; of a changeable mind | |
[급함] hurry; rapidity of action or motion | |
[효율] effective; acting directly to produce an effect; exhibiting a high ratio of output to input |
[전기] one whose occupation is the installation, maintenance, repair, or operation of electric equipment and circuitry | |
[무지] lack of knowledge or education | |
[등장] come into prominence; spring up; appear | |
[초등학교] basic; fundamental; relating to the early stages of studying a subject |
[초등학교] basic; fundamental; relating to the early stages of studying a subject | |
[자격] qualified; desirable and worthy of choice, especially for marriage | |
[접합] connection; joint; intersection; crossing | |
[드워프] cause to seem small; check natural growth or development of |
[초등학교] basic; fundamental; relating to the early stages of studying a subject | |
[접합] connection; joint; intersection; crossing | |
[오물] foul matter; anything that soils or defiles; dirt; corruption; pollution | |
[중력] seriousness; solemn and dignified feeling; natural force between two massive bodies |
[백과 사전] a reference work containing articles on various topics | |
[조깅] run or ride at a steady slow trot; give a push or shake to | |
[근간] ready or about to appear; making appearance | |
[아첨] compliment someone, often insincerely and sometimes to win favor; enhance someone's vanity by praising them |
[과시] display proudly or shamelessly; show oneself off | |
[전기] one whose occupation is the installation, maintenance, repair, or operation of electric equipment and circuitry | |
[방출] relieve of a burden or of contents; unload; pour forth or release; complete or carry out; give off | |
[오물] foul matter; anything that soils or defiles; dirt; corruption; pollution |
[한순간] transient; brief; temporary; passing quickly | |
[근간] ready or about to appear; making appearance | |
[중력] seriousness; solemn and dignified feeling; natural force between two massive bodies | |
[아첨] compliment someone, often insincerely and sometimes to win favor; enhance someone's vanity by praising them |