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4000 IELTS Academic Words | Introduction |
Academic Words Level 3 - 1 - Matching Quizzes |
[야심] aspiring; having a strong desire for success or achievement | |
[빈약한 닦지] song of praise or patriotism; the song of devotion or loyalty | |
[파산] penniless, without any money; financially ruined | |
[충분한] sufficient; enough to meet a purpose |
[나무 껍질] a sound made by a dog; harsh sound uttered by a dog | |
[찬장] a small room or cabinet used for storage space | |
[감추기] keep from being seen, found, observed, or discovered; secrete | |
[야심] aspiring; having a strong desire for success or achievement |
[벌크] majority; the main part; volume; mass | |
[연회장] feast; entertainment of eating and drinking | |
[탄약] military stores or provisions; articles used in weapons, as powder, balls, shot, shells | |
[주의] conservative; not acting quickly in order to avoid risks |
[금지] official prohibition; decree that prohibits something | |
[자격증] a document or certificate proving a person's identity or qualifications; warrant | |
[장사] grave or tomb; the ritual placing of a corpse in a grave; concealing something under the ground | |
[속이는] fool; cause to believe what is not true; mislead |
[적성] inherent ability; quickness in learning and understanding | |
[앵커] secure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place; narrate or coordinate | |
[나무 껍질] a sound made by a dog; harsh sound uttered by a dog | |
[속이는] fool; cause to believe what is not true; mislead |
[목욕] wash by immersion, as in a bath; subject to bath; lave; immerse or cover one's self | |
[야심] aspiring; having a strong desire for success or achievement | |
[연회장] feast; entertainment of eating and drinking | |
[안내서] pamphlet; small book usually having a paper cover |
[나무 껍질] a sound made by a dog; harsh sound uttered by a dog | |
[확인] written order directing a bank to pay money | |
[벌크] majority; the main part; volume; mass | |
[조건] standard, rule, or test on which a judgment or decision can be based |
[목욕] wash by immersion, as in a bath; subject to bath; lave; immerse or cover one's self | |
[번들] packet; a package of things tied together; a large sum of money | |
[재앙] calamity; disaster; state of extreme ruin and misfortune | |
[바인딩] make white or colorless; blanch |
[주의] conservative; not acting quickly in order to avoid risks | |
[조건] standard, rule, or test on which a judgment or decision can be based | |
[조항] sentence; phrase; distinct article, stipulation, or provision in a document | |
[목욕] wash by immersion, as in a bath; subject to bath; lave; immerse or cover one's self |
[서투른] awkward; showing lack of skill or aptitude | |
[찬장] a small room or cabinet used for storage space | |
[혁신] act of overcoming or penetrating an obstacle or restriction | |
[명확히] make clear and comprehensible; elucidate |