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4000 IELTS Academic Words | Introduction |
Academic Words Level 1 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[爬,爬行,蠕動,慢行] move slowly, as people or animals with the body near the ground | |
[兌換,交換] substitute; trade in; give in return for something received | |
[尊重,估價] regard with respect; favorable regard | |
[合適的,適宜的,健康的,結實的] be the right size or shape; conform to some shape or size |
[隨筆,文章] composition of any particular subject, usually shorter than a formal paper | |
[目標] end; objective; final purpose or aim | |
[文明,文化] all the knowledge and values shared by a society; foster; the raising of plants or animals | |
[碰撞,墜毀,撞碎] smash; collision; falling down or in pieces with a loud noise of breaking parts |
[強烈的,劇烈的] extreme; acute; in an extreme degree | |
[很多,主人,宿主] great number; person entertaining guests | |
[循環,周而復始,週期] periodically repeated sequence of events; a long period of time; entire round in a circle or a spire | |
[摩擦] clash in opinion; rubbing against; conflict |
[熱誠的,一心一意的,專用的] devoted to a cause or ideal or purpose; designed for a particular use or function | |
[強烈的,劇烈的] extreme; acute; in an extreme degree | |
[試穿,試樣,設備,裝備] small accessory to a larger system; small detachable part for a machine or apparatus; the act of trying on clothes | |
[通貨,貨幣] money; general acceptance or use |
[影響] forceful consequence; strong effect; influencing strongly | |
[目標] end; objective; final purpose or aim | |
[不管,不顧,即使] lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike; disdain, contemptuous feelings, hatred | |
[淹死,淹溺] kill by submerging and suffocating in water; overwhelm in water; deaden one's awareness of |
[眩暈的] having or causing a whirling sensation | |
[資料,材料] collection of facts, observations, or other information related to a particular question or problem | |
[試穿,試樣,設備,裝備] small accessory to a larger system; small detachable part for a machine or apparatus; the act of trying on clothes | |
[影響] forceful consequence; strong effect; influencing strongly |
[草圖,草稿] rough outline; draw up an outline; sketch | |
[通貨,貨幣] money; general acceptance or use | |
[地獄,陰間,苦境,苦難之地] place of the dead, or souls after death where sinners suffer eternal punishment; any place of pain and turmoil | |
[試穿,試樣,設備,裝備] small accessory to a larger system; small detachable part for a machine or apparatus; the act of trying on clothes |
[很多,主人,宿主] great number; person entertaining guests | |
[地獄,陰間,苦境,苦難之地] place of the dead, or souls after death where sinners suffer eternal punishment; any place of pain and turmoil | |
[羨慕,妒嫉] malice; ill will; discontent or uneasiness at another's excellence or good fortune, accompanied with hatred | |
[盤問] question severely; torture or afflict |
[很多,主人,宿主] great number; person entertaining guests | |
[兌換,交換] substitute; trade in; give in return for something received | |
[設施,設備] service, space, and equipment provided for a particular purpose | |
[保證,擔保] pledge that something will happen or that something is true |
[易碎的,脆的] easy to destroy, delicate, not strong | |
[強烈的,劇烈的] extreme; acute; in an extreme degree | |
[總的,粗野的,全部] of huge size; excessively large; coarse; rough; not fine or delicate | |
[循環,周而復始,週期] periodically repeated sequence of events; a long period of time; entire round in a circle or a spire |