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Academic Words Level 4 - 1 - Matching Quizzes |
[外交] one who is in charge to deal with others, like an ambassador, who is appointed to represent a government | |
[自動化] the use of machines and computers that can operate without needing human control | |
[カジュアル] in a converse manner; with change of order or relation; reciprocally. | |
[協定] settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions; written agreement between two states |
[自動化] the use of machines and computers that can operate without needing human control | |
[自立] independence; self-government or the right of self-government; self-determination | |
[厚かまし] characteristic of being brash; the trait of being rash and hasty; tasteless showiness | |
[純潔] morally pure in thought or conduct; decent and modest |
[自立] independence; self-government or the right of self-government; self-determination | |
[盛り合わせ] varied; consisting of various types mixed together | |
[デリゲート] a person authorized to act as a representative for another; deputy | |
[強化] make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity |
[運命づける] intend or choose someone or something for a particular purpose or end | |
[しみ] spot or stain, as of ink on paper; blur; a weak point or failing | |
[強化] make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity | |
[苛性ソーダ] capable of burning, corroding, dissolving, or eating away by chemical action |
[特派員] one who communicates information, especially, by letter or telegram to newspaper or periodical | |
[雑用] a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee | |
[境界] dividing line; border; frontier | |
[惑わすは] lead into perplexity or confusion; perplex with mazes |
[開示] unclose; open; remove a cover or envelope from; lay open or expose to view | |
[相関] relate; associate; bring into a mutual relation | |
[厚かまし] characteristic of being brash; the trait of being rash and hasty; tasteless showiness | |
[南極] opposite to the northern or arctic pole; relating to the southern pole or the region near it |
[証明] give certain information to; assure; make certain | |
[自立] independence; self-government or the right of self-government; self-determination | |
[放映] exposure to air for freshening or drying; exposure to public attention; radio or television broadcast | |
[枯渇] decrease fullness of; use up or empty out |
[記念] serve as a memorial to; honor the memory of with a ceremony | |
[可燃] capable of igniting and burning; easily aroused or excited | |
[気圧] an instrument for determining the weight or pressure of the atmosphere | |
[運命づける] intend or choose someone or something for a particular purpose or end |
[増幅] broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make larger or more powerful; increase | |
[通勤] someone who regularly travels from home in a suburb to work in a city | |
[特派員] one who communicates information, especially, by letter or telegram to newspaper or periodical | |
[情熱的な] displaying or by strong enthusiasm or devotion; passionate |
[調合する] digest; convert into nourishment by the organs of nutrition | |
[せい] inscribe or dedicate; attribute to a specified cause, source, or origin; assign as a quality | |
[付着] stick fast; stick to firmly; be compatible or in accordance with | |
[枯渇] decrease fullness of; use up or empty out |