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Academic Words Level 4 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[憤慨] affected with indignation; wrathful; passionate; irate; feeling wrath by unworthy or unjust treatment | |
[増加] process of increasing in number, size, quantity, or extent | |
[支配] major; important; outweighing | |
[抜粋] passage or segment that is taken from a longer work, such as literary or musical composition |
[切望] plead; make the earnest request of; ask for earnestly | |
[除名] oust; discharge; force or drive out | |
[抜粋] passage or segment that is taken from a longer work, such as literary or musical composition | |
[期限] come to an end; terminate; lose validity; breathe one's last breath; die |
[弾性] springing back; having the power of rebounding; able to return quickly to a former state or condition | |
[切望] plead; make the earnest request of; ask for earnestly | |
[推論] deduce; conclude from evidence or premises; lead to as a consequence or conclusion | |
[除名] oust; discharge; force or drive out |
[期限] come to an end; terminate; lose validity; breathe one's last breath; die | |
[ガイドライン] a statement or other indication of policy; light line, used in lettering, to help align the text | |
[回避] get away from by artifice; escape by dexterity; avoid giving a direct answer to | |
[平衡] mental or emotional balance; state of balance of any causes, powers, or motives |
[消火] quench; put out, as a light or fire; cause to die out; put an end to; destroy | |
[憤慨] affected with indignation; wrathful; passionate; irate; feeling wrath by unworthy or unjust treatment | |
[体育館] place or building where athletic exercises are performed; a school for gymnastics | |
[除外] leave out of; keep out of; reject |
[うめき] give forth a low, moaning sound in breathing | |
[巨大] enormous; boundless; so great as to be beyond measurement | |
[有限] having a limit; limited in quantity, degree, or capacity; bounded | |
[週間] a period of fourteen consecutive days |
[生息] live in; occupy; reside in | |
[味] the quality produced by the sensation of taste; a variety of tastes attributed to an object | |
[満たす] fill full; fill to the utmost capacity, as a vessel, a room; make full or complete | |
[暗黙] imply or require; cause to ensue or accrue; cut or carve in an ornamental way |
[中間] the time between one event, process; interval of time | |
[お問い合わせ] seek information by asking a question | |
[フレームワーク] fundamental structure, as for a written work; skeleton | |
[週間] a period of fourteen consecutive days |
[うめき] give forth a low, moaning sound in breathing | |
[発掘] unearth; dig out; make a hole in; hollow out | |
[排水] emptying accomplished by draining; gradual flowing off, as of a liquid | |
[漏斗] passage or avenue for a fluid or flowing substance; a smoke flue or pipe; iron chimney of a steamship |
[平衡] mental or emotional balance; state of balance of any causes, powers, or motives | |
[最終] ultimate; occurring at an unspecified time in the future | |
[満たす] fill full; fill to the utmost capacity, as a vessel, a room; make full or complete | |
[滑空] slide; move in a smooth, effortless manner |