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  Academic Words Level 3 - 2 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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v. [xả] relieve of a burden or of contents; unload; pour forth or release; complete or carry out; give off

Spelling Word: discharge
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n. [ghê tởm] strong feelings of dislike; offend the taste or moral sense of

Spelling Word: disgust
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n. [điện tử] branch of physics that deals with the behavior of electrons; electronic devices

Spelling Word: electronics
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n. [Đại sứ quán] the diplomatic building where ambassadors live or work; diplomatic representatives headed by an ambassador

Spelling Word: embassy
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n. [nhấn] special attention or effort directed toward something; stress

Spelling Word: emphasis
Read [Esc] (6)
v. [nhấn mạnh] stress; underscore; utter or pronounce with a particular stress of voice

Spelling Word: emphasize
Read [Esc] (7)
a. [dân tộc] relating to races; a group of people sharing common racial, national, or religious heritage

Spelling Word: ethnic
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n. [lỗi] crack or breach; gap or fissure; defect; fault; a sudden burst of noise and disorder

Spelling Word: flaw
Read [Esc] (9)
a. [thái] transient; brief; temporary; passing quickly

Spelling Word: fleeting
Read [Esc] (10)
n. [đo] measuring instrument; measure; judge

Spelling Word: gauge