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n. [đòn] any of the short hairs fringing the edge of the eyelid

Spelling Word: lash
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n. [lanh] fabric woven with fibers from the flax plant; thread made from fibers of the flax plant

Spelling Word: linen
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n. [ẩn dụ] implied comparison; one thing conceived as representing another; symbol

Spelling Word: metaphor
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n. [quý tộc] quality or state of being noble; the superiority of mind or character; commanding excellence; eminence

Spelling Word: nobility
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n. [liệt] loss of the ability to move a body part

Spelling Word: paralysis
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n. [đạp] foot-operated lever used for actuating or controlling a mechanism

Spelling Word: pedal
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v. [ngang hàng] gaze; stare; look searchingly; company with

Spelling Word: peer
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n. [hưu] something paid or given; payment to a person in consideration of past services

Spelling Word: pension
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a. [tà] stubbornly wrongheaded; directed away from what is right or good

Spelling Word: perverse
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n. [dầu mỏ] dark oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons

Spelling Word: petroleum