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Vocabulary Study Online By Level (VSOBL) is a Fast, Reliable, and Handy tool to prepare English exam vocabulary. (Available for all VIP accounts: US$2/Month). It has built-in word lists: 6000 IELTS words, 6000 TOEFL words, 5000 GRE words, and 3000 SAT words. You can load them by level with one click.
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/'æbstrækt/ a. Syn. theoretical; abstruse
(抽象) theoretical; not concrete; not applied or practical; difficult to understand

Spelling Word: abstract
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/'æləkeɪt/ v. Syn. assign
(割り当て) assign; distribute according to plan

Spelling Word: allocate
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/'ɔ:ltə(r)/ v. Syn. modify; change; convert
(変更) modify; cause to change; make different; convert

Spelling Word: alter
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/ə'pri:ʃɪeɪt/ v. Syn. admire; value
(感謝) be thankful for; increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of

Spelling Word: appreciate
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/'æspɛkt/ n. Syn. respect; facet
(アスペクト) distinct feature or element in a problem; a way in which something can be viewed by the mind

Spelling Word: aspect
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/ə'saɪn/ v. Syn. appoint; allot
(割り当て) appoint; allot; make over; point out authoritatively or exactly

Spelling Word: assign
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/ə'sju:m/;/ə'su:m/ v. Syn. suppose; presume
(想定) suppose; presume; take on; bear

Spelling Word: assume
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/ə'ʃʊə(r)/;/ə'ʃʊər/ v. Syn. solidify; guarantee; convince
(保証) solidify; guarantee; convince

Spelling Word: assure
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/'ætɪtju:d/;/'ætɪtud/ n.
(態度) posture, action, or disposition of a figure or a statue

Spelling Word: attitude
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/ə'wɛə(r)/ a.
(認識) knowing; having knowledge or cognizance

Spelling Word: aware