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  Academic Words Level 5 - 2 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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a. [眠] dull with sleepiness; showing lack of attention

Spelling Word: drowsy
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n. [叙事詩は] a long heroic poem, or similar work of art

Spelling Word: epic
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v. [排気] wear out completely; tire; drain of resources or properties; deplete; use up completely

Spelling Word: exhaust
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n. [利用] deed or action, particularly a brave deed

Spelling Word: exploit
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a. [巻き付けるのに適した] capable of destroying; lethal

Spelling Word: fell
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a. [赤ら顔] reddish; elaborately or excessively ornamented

Spelling Word: florid
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a. [無駄] useless; having no useful result; vain

Spelling Word: futile
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a. [勇敢] courtly; lively and spirited; having or displaying great dignity or nobility

Spelling Word: gallant
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n. [グリー] music; entertainment; joy; merriment; mirth

Spelling Word: glee
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a. [痛ましい] causing grief or sorrow; painful; afflictive; hard to bear; offensive; harmful

Spelling Word: grievous