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  Academic Words Level 5 - 3 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [名誉毀損] defamatory statement; the act of writing something that smears a person's character

Spelling Word: libel
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n. [光沢] brilliancy; splendor; brightness; glitter

Spelling Word: lustre
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n. [馬] female of horse and other equine quadrupeds; sighing, suffocative panting, with a sense of pressure across the chest

Spelling Word: mare
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n. [メモ] short note; memorandum; written proposal or reminder

Spelling Word: memo
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n. [覚書] written proposal or reminder

Spelling Word: memorandum
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v. [ミンチ] cut into very small pieces; chop fine; suppress or weaken the force of

Spelling Word: mince
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a. [疲れ果てるを] covering with a design in which one element covers a part of another

Spelling Word: overlapping
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a. [議会] having the supreme legislative power

Spelling Word: parliamentary
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v. [プラウ] move in a way that is cutting or going through something; cultivate; farm; break and turn over earth

Spelling Word: plow
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n. [ポーズ] bodily attitude or position, especially one assumed for an artist or a photographer

Spelling Word: pose