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  Academic Words Level 5 - 2 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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a. [祖母绿,翡翠 翠绿色的] of precious stone of rich green color; of a rich green color

Spelling Word: emerald
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n. [史诗,剧作] a long heroic poem, or similar work of art

Spelling Word: epic
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n. [闹剧,嘲笑] broad comedy; ridiculous parade; foolish show

Spelling Word: farce
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v. [拨款,财务支持] provide or raise funds or capital for; supply funds to

Spelling Word: finance
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n. [犁沟,皱纹] trench in the earth made by a plow; any trench, channel, or groove, as in wood or metal; wrinkle on the face

Spelling Word: furrow
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a. [无条件的,无理由的,免费的] given freely; unwarranted; granted without recompense; unearned

Spelling Word: gratuitous
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n. [凹线,(刻出的)线条,习惯] long narrow furrow or channel; settled routine; very pleasurable experience

Spelling Word: groove
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a. [天空的,天上的] of or belonging to heaven or god

Spelling Word: heavenly
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n. [异教徒] one who holds to a heresy; one who believes some doctrine contrary to the established faith or prevailing religion

Spelling Word: heretic
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n. [(艺术,文学)肖像,形象,形象化的比喻] ability to form mental images of things or events; figurative writing

Spelling Word: imagery