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  Academic Words Level 5 - 3 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [语言学] humanistic study of language and literature

Spelling Word: linguistics
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a. [有文化的,有阅读和写作能力的] educated; schooled; one who can read and write

Spelling Word: literate
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n. [镣铐] handcuff; shackle for hand or wrist; an instrument of iron for fettering the hand

Spelling Word: manacle
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n. [唯物主义] the philosophical theory that matter is the only reality

Spelling Word: materialism
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n. [机动脚踏两用车] a small two-wheeled vehicle with a motor and pedals like those on a bicycle

Spelling Word: moped
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n. [一小块(食物),小量] a little bite or bit of food; a small quantity; a little piece; a fragment

Spelling Word: morsel
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n. [猛攻,猛袭] assault; a very powerful attack

Spelling Word: onslaught
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v. [环绕] revolve around a center of attraction

Spelling Word: orbit
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n. [索价过高] overprice; a price that is too high

Spelling Word: overcharge
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n. [食品室] apartment or closet in which bread and other provisions are kept

Spelling Word: pantry