PTE for Academic Words | Introduction |
Group (A B) - Manage Words by Panel - Page 2 |
New Known Review |
acquaint |
v. Syn. Inform (산성) inform about; cause to come to know personally; make familiar |
New Known Review |
acquire |
v. Syn. obtain; gain (취득) gain through experience or effort; gain possession of; locate with tracking system |
New Known Review |
acquisition |
n. Syn. acquirement; attainment (익히 비난 정품 인증) act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something |
New Known Review |
activate |
v. Syn. encourage; stimulate (전체) make active or more active; stimulate; make radioactive |
New Known Review |
acute |
a. Syn. keen; sharp (급성) quickly perceptive; keen; having a sharp point or tip; extremely sharp or severe |
New Known Review |
adept |
a. Syn. competent; proficient (주특기) expert at; very skilled; having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude |
New Known Review |
adhere |
v. Syn. stick; bond (준수) stick fast; stick to firmly; be compatible or in accordance with |
New Known Review |
adjacent |
a. Syn. adjoining; neighboring (인접) adjoining; neighboring; close to; lying near |
New Known Review |
administer |
v. Syn. govern; supervise (관리) govern; supervise; give or apply medications |
New Known Review |
admission |
n. Syn. admittance; entrance; access (입학) act or practice of admitting; power or permission to enter |