PTE for Academic Words | Introduction |
Group (E) - Manage Words by Panel - Page 1 |
New Known Review |
earnest |
n. (серьезно) seriousness; reality; fixed determination; eagerness; intentness |
New Known Review |
eccentric |
a. Syn. irregular; odd; whimsical; bizarre (эксцентричный) departing from a recognized, conventional, or established norm or pattern |
New Known Review |
echo |
n. (Эхо) sound reflected from an opposing surface and repeated to the ear; repetition of a sound |
New Known Review |
ecology |
n. (Экология) science of the relationships between organisms and their environments |
New Known Review |
economic |
a. Syn. frugal; cheap; economical (экономической) pertaining to economy; frugal; cheap |
New Known Review |
economical |
a. Syn. thrifty; saving (экономические) thrifty; saving; using the minimum of time or resources necessary for effectiveness |
New Known Review |
economics |
n. (Экономика) branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management |
New Known Review |
edit |
v. (Изменить) revise and prepare for publication; select, correct, arrange matter of, for publication |
New Known Review |
editorial |
a. (Редакция) of or pertaining to an editor; written or sanctioned by an editor |
New Known Review |
efficient |
a. Syn. effective (эффективного) effective; acting directly to produce an effect; exhibiting a high ratio of output to input |
New Known Review |
elaborate |
a. Syn. detailed; complicated (разработки) marked by complexity and richness of detail; done with care and in minute detail |
New Known Review |
elastic |
a. (упругих) springing back; having the power of rebounding; able to return quickly to a former state or condition |