PTE for Academic Words | Introduction |
Group (R) - Matching Quizzes |
(회개) cause to feel remorse or regret; feel regret or self-reproach for | |
(르네상스) revival; renewal; revival of learning and culture | |
(즉시) easily; quickly; in a prompt, timely manner; promptly | |
(소문) piece of unverified information of uncertain origin usually spread by word of mouth |
(거두) gain; harvest a crop from; get or derive; obtain as a result of effort | |
(수정) amend; change | |
(강화) give more force or effectiveness to; strengthen; enhance | |
(회개) cause to feel remorse or regret; feel regret or self-reproach for |
(공연) detailed account or description of something | |
(reverent) respectful; worshipful; impressed with veneration or deep respect | |
(거절) repayment of fund; an amount repaid | |
(강화) give more force or effectiveness to; strengthen; enhance |
(참조) frame with radial arms, or a kind of spool, turning on axis, on which threads or lines are wound | |
(거두) gain; harvest a crop from; get or derive; obtain as a result of effort | |
(규제) bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations; fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of | |
(구제) a medicine or therapy; ; cure; fix; repair; provide relief for |
(거두) gain; harvest a crop from; get or derive; obtain as a result of effort | |
(배상) pay back for some expense incurred | |
(호흡) breathing; process of inhaling and exhaling; oxidative process occurring within living cells | |
(꺼려) not wanting to take some action; averse |
(라이벌) compete; be equal to in quality or ability; match | |
(해결 방법) determination; resolving to do something; formal statement of a decision | |
(호흡) breathing; process of inhaling and exhaling; oxidative process occurring within living cells | |
(꺼려) not wanting to take some action; averse |
(강화) give more force or effectiveness to; strengthen; enhance | |
(송환) restore or return to the country of birth, citizenship, or origin | |
(엄격한) full of rigors; harsh; rigidly accurate; precise | |
(파멸을 가져오는) causing, or tending to cause ruin; destructive; baneful; pernicious |
(농촌) country; relating to rural areas | |
(참조) frame with radial arms, or a kind of spool, turning on axis, on which threads or lines are wound | |
(꺼리는) state of being reluctant; unwillingness; hesitancy in taking some action | |
(레퍼토리) list of works of music or drama; class of compositions in a genre; range or number of skills |
(등록) one who registers; a recorder; a keeper of records | |
(레퍼토리) list of works of music or drama; class of compositions in a genre; range or number of skills | |
(비) relation which one quantity or magnitude has to another of the same kind; rate; proportion | |
(닮았) likeness; similarity in appearance or external or superficial details |
(방출) spread out; effuse; issue or emerge in rays or waves | |
(안심) give or restore confidence in; cause to feel sure or certain | |
(탄력성) ability to recover quickly from illness, change, or misfortune; buoyancy | |
(reverent) respectful; worshipful; impressed with veneration or deep respect |