PTE for Academic Words | Introduction |
Group (D) - Matching Quizzes |
(चकाचौंध) overpower with light; confuse the sight of by brilliance of light; bewilder or surprise with brilliancy | |
(निपुण) quick and skillful; neat in action or performance | |
(मतभेद) conflict; lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things | |
(असतत) separate; consisting of unconnected distinct parts |
(घना) thick; crowded closely together; compact | |
(निराशा) loss of hope; utter hopelessness; complete despondency | |
(रचनासुचना) convert code into ordinary language; read with difficulty | |
(घृणा) strong feelings of dislike; offend the taste or moral sense of |
(नीचा) reduce level; lower grade of something | |
(विनाशकारी) destructive; highly critical; causing or capable of causing complete destruction | |
(प्रदर्शित) show clearly and deliberately; manifest; confirm; prove | |
(हटाने) distract; withdraw money and move into a different location |
(डब) confer knighthood upon; honor with a new title or description; entitle; adorn | |
(हटाने) distract; withdraw money and move into a different location | |
(छलना) deprive of some right, interest, or property, by a deceitful device | |
(घना) thick; crowded closely together; compact |
(हावी) monopolize; command; rule; prevail; be prevalent in | |
(त्यागने) throw out something from one's hand; get rid of | |
(निराशा) loss of hope; utter hopelessness; complete despondency | |
(खलाना) decrease fullness of; use up or empty out |
(कम) dwindle; reduce; make smaller or less or to cause to appear so | |
(हानि) harm; damage; injury; something that causes damage, harm, or loss | |
(छुट्टी) relieve of a burden or of contents; unload; pour forth or release; complete or carry out; give off | |
(झपकी लेना) sleep imperfectly or unsoundly; slumber; be heavy with sleepiness; doze. |
(डिटर्जेंट) cleansing agent; substance that acts similarly to soap | |
(हानिकारक) causing damage or harm; injurious | |
(सुनसान) gloomy; dismal; dark, colorless, or cheerless | |
(प्रेषण) act of sending off something; property of being prompt and efficient; message usually sent in haste |
(चित्र) graph; chart; figure or drawing made to illustrate a statement; plan | |
(हावी) monopolize; command; rule; prevail; be prevalent in | |
(मतभेद) conflict; lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things | |
(घाटा) inadequacy or insufficiency; sum of money falls short of required amount; shortage |
(रचनासुचना) convert code into ordinary language; read with difficulty | |
(निष्क्रिय) deprive of capability or effectiveness; unable; impair; diminish | |
(रक्षा) act of defending against attack, danger, or injury | |
(निपुण) quick and skillful; neat in action or performance |
(चित्र) graph; chart; figure or drawing made to illustrate a statement; plan | |
(कमी) lessen; reduce; make a quantity smaller | |
(त्यागने) throw out something from one's hand; get rid of | |
(जीर्ण) in disrepair, run down; of very poor quality or condition |