PTE for Academic Words | Introduction |
Group (H I) - Matching Quizzes |
(मुहावरा) expression whose meaning differs from meanings of its individual words; distinctive style | |
(पड़ाव) stop; stand in doubt; hesitate | |
(प्रोत्साहन) incentive; stimulus; force or energy associated with a moving body | |
(भव्य) adapted to impress forcibly; impressive; impressive in appearance |
(उठाना) bring upon oneself; become liable to; acquire or come into | |
(शिशु) child in the first period of life; young babe | |
(पड़ाव) stop; stand in doubt; hesitate | |
(बेतरतीब) not thorough, constant or consistent; by chance |
(खतरा) danger; risk | |
(क्षीण) injure or hurt; become worse; affect negatively | |
(उत्तोलन) cause to move upward or onward by a lifting effort; lift; raise; hoist; throw | |
(शिशु) child in the first period of life; young babe |
(उत्तोलन) cause to move upward or onward by a lifting effort; lift; raise; hoist; throw | |
(झुकाव) preference; tendency; inclined surface; slope | |
(वारिस) receive from an ancestor by legal succession or will; receive by bequest or as a legacy | |
(गोलार्द्ध) halves; half of a sphere bounded by a great circle |
(भव्य) adapted to impress forcibly; impressive; impressive in appearance | |
(सहायक) serving or acting as a means or aid; helpful; relating to musical instruments | |
(प्रोत्साहन) incentive; stimulus; force or energy associated with a moving body | |
(लागू) put into effect; supply with tools |
(बेतरतीब) not thorough, constant or consistent; by chance | |
(क्षीण) injure or hurt; become worse; affect negatively | |
(अंतराल) pause; break; space between two objects, points, or units | |
(लागू) put into effect; supply with tools |
(क्षतिपूर्ति) security; insurance; exemption from loss or damage; immunity from penalty, or the punishment; amnesty | |
(अवर) poor; lower than a given reference point; low or lower in order, degree, or rank | |
(फंसाना) incriminate; involve or imply as necessary accompaniment or result | |
(उद्घाटन) start; initiate; induct into office by formal ceremony |
(उठाना) bring upon oneself; become liable to; acquire or come into | |
(कोलाहल) loud noise of many confused voices; tumult; uproar. | |
(अचानक) without previous preparation | |
(सूची) check list; a collection of resources |
(अनुक्रमणिका) anything which shows, indicates, manifests, or discloses; prologue indicating what follows; second digit | |
(सहायक) serving or acting as a means or aid; helpful; relating to musical instruments | |
(पड़ाव) stop; stand in doubt; hesitate | |
(मुहावरा) expression whose meaning differs from meanings of its individual words; distinctive style |
(शिशु) child in the first period of life; young babe | |
(अब तक) to this place; to a prescribed limit; up to this time; as yet; until now | |
(बेतरतीब) not thorough, constant or consistent; by chance | |
(अचानक) without previous preparation |