PTE for Academic Words | Introduction |
Group (P Q) - Matching Quizzes |
(lắc) a body suspended from fixed point as to swing freely to and fro by the alternate action of gravity and momentum | |
(đẩy) drive forward; cause to move forward or onward; push | |
(thể nhận) capable of being perceived; cognizable; discernible; perceivable | |
(cỏ) field covered with grass; meadow |
(thích hợp) having precise or logical relevance; pertaining or relating | |
(cung cấp) stipulated condition; act of supplying or fitting out; something provided | |
(bưu chính) token that postal fee has been paid; charge for mailing something | |
(kỳ) publication that appears at fixed intervals |
(dầu mỏ) dark oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons | |
(mở đầu) introduction, usually to a poem or play | |
(thuốc trừ sâu) a chemical used to kill pests | |
(lao) dive; submerge; become suddenly lower; decrease dramatically; throw oneself into a substance or place |
(thể nhận) capable of being perceived; cognizable; discernible; perceivable | |
(đỉnh) peak; tall pointed formation, such as mountain peak | |
(đặc quyền) privilege; unquestionable right; exclusive power to command | |
(placid) peaceful; tranquil; calm or quiet |
(thích hợp) having precise or logical relevance; pertaining or relating | |
(thụ phấn) fertilize by transferring pollen | |
(nhô) extend out or project in space; stick out | |
(nghịch lý) something apparently contradictory in nature; statement that looks false but is actually correct |
(quần) breathe quickly or in a labored manner; respire with heaving of the breast; sigh | |
(sâu sắc) deep; not superficial; far-reaching | |
(vỉa hè) floor or covering of solid material, laid so as to make hard and convenient surface for travel | |
(bưu chính) token that postal fee has been paid; charge for mailing something |
(nghèo) lack of money; state of being poor; lack of the means of providing material needs or comforts | |
(thể nhận) capable of being perceived; cognizable; discernible; perceivable | |
(trọng) foremost in importance; supreme in rank | |
(vi phạm bản quyền) crime of pirate; robbery committed at sea; unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted or patented material |
(thái độ khinh thị) victim; object of hunt; hunted animal | |
(đỉnh) peak; tall pointed formation, such as mountain peak | |
(tồn tại) continue; insist; persevere | |
(giảng) advocate; speak, plead; argue in favor of |
(bi quan) belief that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess | |
(sâu sắc) deep; not superficial; far-reaching | |
(lắc) a body suspended from fixed point as to swing freely to and fro by the alternate action of gravity and momentum | |
(trắc lượng) prolong; draw out or lengthen in time |
(ám ảnh) anxiety disorder by extreme and irrational fear; dislike | |
(bị) inclined; lying face downward; having a tendency | |
(mở đầu) introduction, usually to a poem or play | |
(thực dụng) practical as opposed to idealistic; concerned with the practical worth or impact of something |