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a. Syn. drastic; extreme
(根本的,激进的) drastic; extreme; arising from or going to a root or source; basic

Spelling Word: radical
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v. Syn. scold; rant
(责骂,斥责,咆哮) scold; express objections or criticisms in bitter, harsh, or abusive language

Spelling Word: rail
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n. Syn. withdrawal; retreat
(撤退) withdrawal; retreat; time of low economic activity

Spelling Word: recession
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a. Syn. mutual; exchangeable; interacting
(互相的,互动的,互惠的) concerning each of two or more persons or things; exchangeable; interacting

Spelling Word: reciprocal
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v. Syn. correct
(纠正) set right; correct by calculation or adjustment

Spelling Word: rectify
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(偿还,退款) repayment of fund; an amount repaid

Spelling Word: refund
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(拒绝,不允) act of refusing; denial of anything demanded

Spelling Word: refusal
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n. Syn. renewal; revival
((灵魂)重生,新生) renewal; growth of lost or destroyed parts or organs

Spelling Word: regeneration
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(地区,地域) province; district; tract; neighborhood; the upper air; sky or heavens; inhabitants of a district

Spelling Word: region
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(旧病复发,再恶化) falling back into a former state, especially becoming worse

Spelling Word: relapse