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a. Syn. eatable
(معاشیات کھانے) eatable; substance that can be used as food

Spelling Word: edible
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(ادارتی) of or pertaining to an editor; written or sanctioned by an editor

Spelling Word: editorial
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a. Syn. basic; fundamental
(ابتدائی) basic; fundamental

Spelling Word: elementary
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(روزگار) act of employing or using; work in which one is engaged; occupation

Spelling Word: employment
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v. Syn. grant; award
(فراہم کرنا) grant; award; give qualities or abilities to

Spelling Word: endow
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v. Syn. illuminate
(روشن) supply with light; illuminate, as the sun enlightens the earth; make clear to the intellect or conscience; give information to; inform or instruct

Spelling Word: enlighten
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v. Syn. make rich; richen; improve
(مال دار کر دے) make rich; richen; improve

Spelling Word: enrich
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(اندراج) insert in a roil; register or enter in list or catalogue; insert in records; enlist

Spelling Word: enroll
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v. Syn. assess; appraise; evaluate
(اندازے) judge to be probable; form an opinion about; evaluate

Spelling Word: estimate
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(بچ) get away from by artifice; escape by dexterity; avoid giving a direct answer to

Spelling Word: evade