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v. Syn. disappear; die out
(페이드) disappear; die out; lose color; lose freshness

Spelling Word: fade
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(광신자) person who is zealously enthusiastic for some cause; showing evidence of possession by a god or demon

Spelling Word: fanatic
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(요금) food and drink; diet; transportation charge; a paying passenger

Spelling Word: fare
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a. Syn. practical; possible; suitable
(가능) capable of being accomplished or brought about

Spelling Word: feasible
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(친목) state or relation of being or associate; companionship of persons on equal and friendly terms; state of being together

Spelling Word: fellowship
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n. Syn. loyalty
(충실도) faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances

Spelling Word: fidelity
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(비행) flight over a specific location, usually at low altitude, as by a formation of military aircraft; overpass, as on a highway

Spelling Word: flyover
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v. Syn. policy; theory
(공식화) decide upon and express in words

Spelling Word: formulate
Read [Esc] (9)
a. Syn. sparing; economical; thrifty
(절약) sparing; economical; costing little; inexpensive

Spelling Word: frugal
Read [Esc] (10)
v. Syn. fulfill
(퓸) fill full; fill to the utmost capacity, as a vessel, a room; make full or complete

Spelling Word: fulfil