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v. Syn. build
(изготовления) build; put together out of components or parts

Spelling Word: fabricate
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n. Syn. side
(грань) small, smooth, flat surface, as on a bone or tooth; side; a smooth surface

Spelling Word: facet
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n. Syn. achievement; accomplishment
(подвиг) achievement; accomplishment

Spelling Word: feat
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a. Syn. ferocious; savage
(ожесточенные) ferocious; savage; extremely severe or violent; terrible

Spelling Word: fierce
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n. Syn. commonplace object
(приспособление) commonplace object; object firmly fixed in place

Spelling Word: fixture
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n. Syn. peel; chip
(хлопья) flat thin piece or layer; chip; small piece; small crystalline bit of snow

Spelling Word: flake
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(щеголять) display proudly or shamelessly; show oneself off

Spelling Word: flaunt
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n. Syn. flowing; fusion
(поток) flowing; series of changes; state of being liquid through heat

Spelling Word: flux
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(эстакады) flight over a specific location, usually at low altitude, as by a formation of military aircraft; overpass, as on a highway

Spelling Word: flyover
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(мороз) ice crystal; weather cold enough to cause freezing; provide with a rough surface or appearance

Spelling Word: frost