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(ڈھیر) crowd or throng; a great number of persons; pile or mass

Spelling Word: heap
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(ہاؤنڈ) a variety of domestic dog, having large, drooping ears; side bar used to strengthen portions of gear of a vehicle

Spelling Word: hound
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n. Syn. cleanliness; sanitation
(حفظان صحت) cleanliness; sanitation

Spelling Word: hygiene
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v. Syn. start; initiate
(افتتاح) start; initiate; induct into office by formal ceremony

Spelling Word: inaugurate
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a. Syn. comprehensive
(شامل) tending to include all; taking a great deal or everything within its scope

Spelling Word: inclusive
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v. Syn. combine; unite
(شامل) combine something into a larger whole; unite

Spelling Word: incorporate
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n. Syn. increase
(اضافہ) process of increasing in number, size, quantity, or extent

Spelling Word: increment
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a. Syn. apathetic; average
(گمنام لاتعلق) having no particular interest or concern; being neither good nor bad

Spelling Word: indifferent
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(پہل) serving to initiate; introductory step or movement; act which originates or begins

Spelling Word: initiative
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(اختراعات) change or alter by bringing in something new

Spelling Word: innovate