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a. Syn. feverish; habitual
(兴奋的,繁忙的) feverish; very busy with activity and confusion; habitual; marking particular habit or condition of body

Spelling Word: hectic
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n. Syn. flock; crowd
(兽群,一群) flock; crowd; group of cattle or other domestic animals

Spelling Word: herd
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(沿途搭乘别人车旅行) travel by getting free rides from passing vehicles; be carried along with something else

Spelling Word: hitchhike
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a. Syn. dull; monotonous
(单调的) lacking variety or excitement; monotonous

Spelling Word: humdrum
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v. Syn. injure; hurt
(伤害) injure or hurt; become worse; affect negatively

Spelling Word: impair
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v. Syn. demand; force; inflict
(强加于,施加影响) demand; force; compel to behave in a certain way

Spelling Word: impose
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a. Syn. comprehensive
(包揽一切的) tending to include all; taking a great deal or everything within its scope

Spelling Word: inclusive
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v. Syn. persuade
(劝诱,导致,引起) persuade; bring about; reason or establish by induction

Spelling Word: induce
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a. Syn. inactive
(惰性的,不活跃的) inactive; lacking power to move; unable to move or act

Spelling Word: inert
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v. Syn. deduce; conclude
(推导,总结) deduce; conclude from evidence or premises; lead to as a consequence or conclusion

Spelling Word: infer