inviolable | a. [無敵的,神聖不可褻瀆的] secure from corruption, attack, or violation; unassailable |
irascible | a. [易怒的,暴躁的] irritable; easily angered; excited by or arising from anger |
ire | n. [怒氣] anger; wrath; keen resentment; irritate |
iridescent | a. [虹彩的] exhibiting or giving out colors like those of rainbow; gleaming or shimmering with rainbow colors |
irremediable | a. [不能挽回的,不能治癒的] incurable; uncorrectable; impossible to remedy or correct |
irreproachable | a. [無可指責的,沒有缺點的] perfect or blameless in every respect; faultless; impeccable |
irresolute | a. [猶豫不決的] uncertain how to act or proceed; undecided; lacking in resolution |
irretrievable | a. [不能複原的,不能挽回的] impossible to recover or regain; irreparable |
irreverence | n. [不尊敬的] lack of proper respect; disrespectful act or remark |
jaundiced | a. [患黃疸病的,有偏見的] prejudiced; affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of the skin; yellow or yellowish |
jingoist | n. [狂熱好戰分子,侵略主義者] extremely aggressive and militant patriot; one who advocates aggressive nationalism |
jocose | a. [詼諧的] given to joking; merry; humorous |
jocular | a. [詼諧的] humorous, amusing or joking; sportive; not serious |
jollity | n. [高興的,歡樂的] gayness; splendor; cheerfulness or celebration |
jostle | v. [推,擠,撞] come into rough contact with while moving; make one's way by pushing or elbowing |
jubilation | n. [慶祝] rejoicing; feeling of extreme joy |
junta | n. [小集團,政治團伙] group of men joined in political intrigue; a group of military officers ruling a country |
jurisprudence | n. [法學] philosophy or science of law; a division or department of law |
juxtaposition | n. [並列,並置] act of positioning close together; side-by-side position |
kleptomaniac | n. [偷竊狂,盜竊癖] person who has compulsive desire to steal |