projectile | n. [發射,導彈] a weapon that is thrown or projected; self-propelled missile, such as rocket; a fired or thrown object |
proliferation | n. [迅速增長,倍增,擴散] rapid growth; spread; increase in size by reproduction |
prolific | a. [多產的,豐富的] producing offspring or fruit in great abundance; fertile |
prologue | n. [序(詩歌,歌劇的)] introduction, usually to a poem or play |
promiscuous | a. [隨意混合的,打亂的,隨便的] having casual sexual relations frequently with different partners; casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior |
propagate | v. [迅速增長,傳播,擴散] cause something to multiply or breed; cause to extend to a broader area or larger number |
propensity | n. [自然傾向] natural inclination; tendency or preference; predilection |
propriety | n. [適當] fitness; correct conduct; quality of being proper; appropriateness |
prosaic | a. [事實的,平淡的,缺乏想像力的] dull and unimaginative; matter-of-fact; factual |
protege | n. [被保護者,被保護人] a person guided and protected by a more prominent person |
provisional | a. [臨時的] temporary; provided for present need only |
pseudonym | n. [假名,筆名] pen name; fictitious name used when someone performs a particular social role |
pterodactyl | n. [翼龍] extinct flying reptiles that existed during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods |
pummel | v. [用拳頭打] beat or pound with fists; hit or strike heavily and repeatedly |
pungent | a. [刺激的,辛辣的,尖銳的] stinging; sharp in taste or smell; caustic |
putrid | a. [��臭的,腐爛的] decomposed and foul-smelling; rotten; decayed |
pyromania | n. [縱火狂] person with insane desire to set things on fire |
quagmire | n. [沼澤,濕地] soft wet boggy land; complex or dangerous situation from which it isn't easy to free oneself |
qualm | n. [疑慮,不安,噁心] a sudden feeling of sickness or faintness; sudden attack of illness |
quell | v. [撲滅,鎮壓,平息] extinguish; put down forcibly; suppress; pacify or quiet |