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3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 1 - 3 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 1 |
New Known Review |
insubordination |
n. [불복종] disobedience; resistance to lawful authority His insubordination is nothing but a vicious desire to make trouble. |
New Known Review |
insurrection |
n. [봉기] rebellion; uprising; rising against civil or political authority In the beginning, the insurrection is a riot, just as a river is a torrent. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
integrity |
n. [성실] quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness Protecting global supply chain integrity is of the utmost importance for manufacturers. |
New Known Review |
intellect |
n. [지성] ability to learn and reason; ability to think abstractly or profoundly In this stage, the intellect can grasp all knowledge and not need to have recourse to the senses again. |
New Known Review |
inter |
v. [인터] place in grave or tomb; bury; place in earth and cover They are going to inter the body tomorrow at Broadlawn Cemetery. |
New Known Review |
interim |
n. [주의하도록] the time between one event, process; interval of time For banks on edge, their ability to maintain capital levels in the interim is the important factor. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
intervene |
v. [개입] get involved; come, appear, or lie between two things The place to intervene is to slow down the number of children who begin smoking. |
New Known Review |
intimacy |
n. [친밀감] closeness, often affectionate; privacy; familiarity Again, with the entire album, intimacy is a word that rings true. |
New Known Review |
intimate |
v. [친밀한] give to understand; imply or hint; state or make known Did Dick intimate that Jane had bad breath when he asked if she'd like a breath mint? |
New Known Review |
intimidate |
v. [위협] frighten; make timid; fill with fear The group said Eveleth's arrest was designed to intimidate and disrupt its protests during the Earth Summit. |
New Known Review |
intricate |
a. [복잡] complex; elaborate; having many complexly arranged elements By contrast, Peirce's logic is reasonably clear, and he takes great pains to work it out in intricate detail. |
New Known Review |
intrude |
v. [방해] trespass; enter as an uninvited person The pressures that would intrude from the galaxy would defeat our purpose. |
New Known Review |
intuition |
n. [직관] immediate insight; the power of knowing without reasoning Even though Tony denied that anything was wrong, Tina trusted her intuition that something was bothering him. |
New Known Review |
invasive |
a. [침입] tending to spread aggressively; tending to invade Deer can control the spread of certain invasive plants while helping to proliferate others. |
New Known Review |
invincible |
a. [무적] incapable of being overcome or defeated; unconquerable The president who once seemed invincible is now seen as potentially vulnerable. |
New Known Review |
invoke |
v. [호출] call upon; ask for; request earnestly I again invoke the cooperation of the executive and legislative authorities of the States for this great purpose. |