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3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 1 - 2 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 1 |
New Known Review |
dermatologist |
n. [피부과] one who studies skin and its diseases I advise you to consult a dermatologist about your finger inflammation. |
New Known Review |
derogatory |
a. [비하] expressing low opinion; disparaging; belittling I no longer care what they say of me, but I feel every word derogatory of you. |
New Known Review |
despise |
v. [경멸] dislike intensely; regard with contempt or scorn What they truly despise is the European Union, not any country. |
New Known Review |
detached |
a. [분리] emotionally removed; calm and objective; apart from others; separate A psychoanalyst must maintain a detached perspective and stay uninvolved with his or her patients' personal lives. |
New Known Review |
detergent |
n. [세제] cleansing agent; a substance that acts similarly to soap You should try this new detergent to replace soap. |
New Known Review |
determination |
n. [의지] act of making or arriving at a decision; putting an end to; termination My only problem with this determination is the lack of certainty about the date of the questioned photo. |
New Known Review |
deterrent |
n. [억지력] something that discourages; tending to deter In his view, North Korea is the main deterrent from a peaceful resolution. |
New Known Review |
detonation |
n. [폭발] explosion; violent release of energy caused by chemical or nuclear reaction The detonation of the bomb could be heard miles away. |
New Known Review |
devious |
a. [사악한가] departing from the correct and accepted way; misleading; not straightforward The story of Byzantine art, though not precisely devious, is not straightforward either. |
New Known Review |
devise |
v. [궁리] form, plan, or arrange in mind; transmit or give by will How clever he must be to devise such a devious plan!. |
New Known Review |
devoid |
a. [결여된] completely lacking; barren or empty You may think her mind is a total void, but she's actually not devoid of intelligence. She just sounds like an airhead. |
New Known Review |
diabolical |
a. [악마] extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell Cabinet's approval of the draft legislation was diabolical and contradicted the Bible, he said in a statement. |
New Known Review |
diagnosis |
n. [진단] art of identifying disease; critical analysis of nature of something In medical school, Margaret developed her diagnosis skill, learning how to read volumes from a rapid pulse. |
New Known Review |
discount |
v. [할인] give a reduction in price on I never discount these books; they sell like hotcakes. |
New Known Review |
discredit |
v. [망신] defame; destroy confidence in; disbelieve The campaign was highly negative in tone; each candidate tried to discredit the other. |
New Known Review |
discrepancy |
n. [차이] lack of consistency; the difference The police noticed an obvious discrepancy in his description of the crime and did not believe him. |
New Known Review |
discretion |
n. [재량] knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress; the trait of judging wisely and objectively The servants showed great tact and discretion. |
New Known Review |
disdain |
v. [경멸은] view with scorn or contempt; feel with aversion In the film Funny Face, the bookish heroine used to disdain fashion models for their lack of intellectual interests. |