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Group (5) - Matching Quizzes |
(تزدهر الرواية) principal character in a work of fiction; main character in a drama; leader of a cause; champion | |
(يقدسون) worship; regard with feelings of respect or honor | |
(عزل) isolate; retire from public life; segregate; seclude | |
(الوداع) person without home or job; bird found outside its species' usual range |
(مقتضب) effectively concise; appearing as if wiped or rubbed, as smooth | |
(مبتذلة) unimportant; of little significance or value; ordinary; commonplace | |
(تنصل) disown; refuse to acknowledge; reject validity or authority of | |
(خطبة عصماء) extended scolding; long angry or violent speech |
(شهرة) fame; quality of being widely honored and acclaimed | |
(سائر في نومه) sleepwalker; person who walks in his sleep | |
(يقدسون) worship; regard with feelings of respect or honor | |
(مبتذلة) unimportant; of little significance or value; ordinary; commonplace |
(اجترار) chew over and over mentally, or like cows physically; mull over; ponder | |
(تدنيس) violate; put to improper, unworthy, or degrading use; abuse | |
(حظر) command against; banish; outlaw | |
(الضال) wasteful; reckless with money |
(تنصل) disown; refuse to acknowledge; reject validity or authority of | |
(موهوب) scholar; man of learning or science; one eminent for learning | |
(المدرسة) school, especially a theological school for training of priests, ministers, or rabbis; school of higher education, especially for girls | |
(إلغاء) cancel; make void; repeal or annul |
(الكسلان) lazy person; person habitually lazy, idle, and slow; sluggish; lazy | |
(الدقيق) exactly and carefully conducted; by extreme care and great effort; cautious | |
(الضال) wasteful; reckless with money | |
(الملل) dullness owing to length or slowness; boredom |
(عاطفية هادئة) completely clear and fine | |
(احباط) scurry; run with short, rapid steps | |
(حلية) repeated too often; over familiar through overuse; worn out by use | |
(اجترار) chew over and over mentally, or like cows physically; mull over; ponder |
(البارزة) lustful; suggestive of or tending to moral looseness | |
(لين العريكة) easily managed or controlled; governable; easily handled or worked; docile | |
(عنيد) sticking together; stubbornly unyielding; holding together firmly | |
(المدرسة) school, especially a theological school for training of priests, ministers, or rabbis; school of higher education, especially for girls |
(الوداع) person without home or job; bird found outside its species' usual range | |
(اجتياز) go through or across, often under difficult conditions | |
(بدون خطأ) liberate; free from chains; set free or keep free from restrictions or bonds | |
(الحارس) one that keeps guard; soldier stationed as a guard |
(تعتدوا) pass over or beyond; surpass | |
(سائر في نومه) sleepwalker; person who walks in his sleep | |
(عزل) isolate; retire from public life; segregate; seclude | |
(مفيد) tending to improve; beneficial; favorable to health |