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(取消) cancel; make void; repeal or annul

Spelling Word: rescind
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(沉默不语的) inclined to keep silent; reserved; uncommunicative.

Spelling Word: reticent
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(讽刺的) disdainful or ironically humorous; cynical; scornful and mocking

Spelling Word: sardonic
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(奴隶的,奴性的) slavish; suitable to slave or servant; relating to servitude or forced labor

Spelling Word: servile
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(安慰) comfort or relieve in sorrow, misfortune, or distress

Spelling Word: solace
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(护身符,避邪物) charm to bring good luck and avert misfortune; something that apparently has magic power

Spelling Word: talisman
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(害怕的) fearful; demonstrating fear; weakly hesitant

Spelling Word: timorous
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(神经质的笑) laugh in a restrained, nervous way; giggle

Spelling Word: titter
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(摇摆,摇摇欲坠) walk unsteadily or feebly; stagger; sway, as if about to fall

Spelling Word: totter
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(奸恶,卑鄙) depravity; corrupt, depraved, or degenerate act

Spelling Word: turpitude