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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 1 - 1 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 10 |
New Known Review |
collusion |
n. [談合] a secret agreement for any illegal purpose; conspiracy They're in collusion with the government and just want a piece of the pie like everyone else. |
New Known Review |
colonize |
v. [植民地] migrate to and settle in; plant Portuguese attempts to colonize Asia were generally unsuccessful, though it did retain major colonies in Africa until the mid-twentieth century. |
New Known Review |
combine |
v. [組み合わせ] blend; fuse; merge Re-branded as one-army recruitment, the latest drive will, for the first time, combine recruiting to both the regular and territorial army. |
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commerce |
n. [商] trade; business; intellectual exchange or social interaction The underlying objective is to make international commerce easier and cheaper and to boost incomes around the world. |
New Known Review |
committee |
n. [委員会] special group delegated to consider some matter He was director of the central bank's monetary policy committee, which sets Brazil's interest rates. |
New Known Review |
community |
n. [コミュニティ] society; a group of people living in the same locality and under the same government Where governments manage public life, human freedom in a community is compromised. |
New Known Review |
commuter |
n. [通勤] someone who regularly travels from home in a suburb to work in a city Vancouver is increasingly becoming a commuter city. |
New Known Review |
compact |
n. [コンパクト] small and economical car; small cosmetics case I decide to buy a compact because a small car helps to save gas. |
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comparable |
a. [比較] similar or equivalent; being of equal regard; worthy of being ranked with People whose jobs are comparable in difficulty should receive similar pay. |
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New Known Review |
compensatory |
a. [代償] serving to compensate or as compensation; making amends; repaying Can a compensatory education program make up for the inadequate schooling he received in earlier years? |
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New Known Review |
complement |
n. [補完] something that completes or makes up a whole or brings to perfection I think we show complement each other on the court because we're both extremely positive. |
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New Known Review |
complicated |
a. [複雑な] difficult to analyze or understand Legally this is a hugely complicated case, and it will take months for the judge to reach the verdict. |
New Known Review |
comply |
v. [遵守] yield assent; accord; agree, or acquiesce; adapt one's self; fulfill; accomplish Everyone should comply with the law. |
New Known Review |
compose |
v. [構成] write; create; make or create by putting together parts or elements As you begin to compose, improvise on that melody and see where it naturally wants to take you. |