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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 1 - 1 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 7 |
New Known Review |
boring |
a. [退屈] uninteresting and tiresome; dull However, the opposite can also be true; something that is too easily understood, simple or transparent, can also be boring. |
New Known Review |
boulder |
n. [岩] a rounded rock lying on the surface of ground or embedded in soil A boulder is a rock with a grain size of usually no less than 256 mm (10 inches) diameter in geology. |
New Known Review |
bound |
n. [バウンスボアバウンド] tied; held; committed; limit; constraint; leap; jump Supreme Court ended a term bound to affect our lives in significant ways in the months ahead. |
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New Known Review |
braid |
v. [ブレード] weave; interweave three or more strands Have you ever wanted to braid your own hair or someone else's hair? |
New Known Review |
breathe |
v. [呼吸] respire; inhale and exhale air Even the air you breathe is micro-filtered for outside contaminants. |
New Known Review |
breathtaking |
a. [息を呑むような] very surprising or shocking Beneath the curious mixture is the kind of breathtaking skyscraper shell, balanced in space, that modern technology makes possible. |
New Known Review |
briny |
a. [塩辛い] salty; any huge body of saltwater Bobbing along, bobbing along, at the bottom of the beautiful briny sea. |
New Known Review |
broaden |
v. [拡大] widen; grow broad or broader Its size, style, and expression broaden the car's appeal, making it more appropriate for a wider range of circumstances. |
New Known Review |
bud |
n. [芽] one that is not yet fully developed; sprout The first thing to be thought of is to pluck the disease in its bud, which is best done by injections. |
New Known Review |
buggy |
n. [バギー] small, lightweight carriage; drawn by a single horse A fine way to travel through Quebec City in Canada is by horse buggy. |
New Known Review |
bulb |
n. [電球] the rounded part of a cylindrical structure; electric lamp consisting of a glass ball The light bulb hasn't changed a whole lot in its 120 years -- the original design was just that good. |
New Known Review |
bundle |
v. [バンドル] tie, wrap, or gather together; hurry; hasten; dress oneself warmly Remember to bundle children up in winter clothes. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
cab |
n. [タクシー] taxi; a one-horse vehicle for public hire I was supposed to meet Mrs. Girard at the building in five minutes; she called a cab to drive me to the station. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
cabin |
n. [キャビン] a small room on a ship or boat where people sleep British Airways says passengers reported a slight smell of petrol in the cabin of BA flight 003 bound for New York. |
New Known Review |
cadence |
n. [リズム] rhythmic rise and fall of words or sounds; beat Marching down the road, the troops sang out, following the cadence set by the sergeant. |