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New Known Review |
circumvent |
/sɜrkəm'vɛnt/ v. Syn. outwit (обхода) surround an enemy; enclose or entrap; beat by cleverness and wit |
New Known Review |
civil |
/'sɪv(ə)l/ a. Syn. civic (гражданского) having to do with citizens or the state; courteous and polite |
New Known Review |
clamorous |
/'klæmərəs/ a. (крикливый) speaking and repeating loud words; full of clamor; calling or demanding loudly or urgently; vociferous; noisy; bawling; loud |
New Known Review |
clandestine |
/klæn'dɛstɪn/ a. Syn. secret (тайные) secret; conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods |
New Known Review |
coalesce |
/koʊə'lɛs/ v. Syn. combine; fuse; mix (сливаются) combine; fuse; grow together; come together so as to form one whole; unite |
New Known Review |
coalition |
/koʊə'lɪʃ(ə)n/ n. Syn. partnership; league; union (коалиция) partnership; league; state of being combined into one body |
New Known Review |
cogent |
/'koʊdʒənt/ a. Syn. convincing (убедительной) reasonable and convincing; based on evidence; forcefully persuasive |
New Known Review |
collusion |
/kə'lu:ʒ(ə)n/ n. (сговоре) secret agreement for an illegal purpose; conspiracy |
New Known Review |
commodious |
/kə'moʊdɪəs/ a. (просторном) spacious and comfortable; fit; proper; convenient |
New Known Review |
compatible |
/kəm'pætɪb(ə)l/ a. Syn. harmonious (совместимые) harmonious; having similar disposition and tastes |
New Known Review |
compensation |
/kɒmpɛn'seɪʃ(ə)n/ n. (компенсации) something given or received as payment as for a service or loss or injury |
New Known Review |
compunction |
/kəm'pʌŋkʃ(ə)n/ n. (умиления) feeling of deep regret; strong uneasiness caused by a sense of guilt |
New Known Review |
concede |
/kən'si:d/ v. Syn. admit; yield (уступать) admit; yield; give up physical control of another |
New Known Review |
condole |
/kən'doʊl/ v. Syn. grieve (соболезнование) grieve; express sympathy; speak sympathetically to one in pain, grief, or misfortune |
New Known Review |
condolence |
/kən'doʊləns/ n. (соболезнования) expression of sympathy with another in sorrow or grief. |
New Known Review |
confederate |
/kən'fɛdərət/ n. Syn. ally; collaborator (Конфедерации) ally; form a group or unite |