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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 1 - 3 - Matching Quizzes |
[俗人,犯人,外行] someone who is not a clergyman or a professional person; generally ignorant person | |
[不管,不顧,不注意] without consideration; despite everything; anyway | |
[解救,糾正,修復] relieve or cure; correct; repair | |
[岩石圈] a solid part of the earth consisting of the crust |
[阻塞(道路,通道等),妨礙,阻撓] stop; impede; shut out from view | |
[不信任,不相信,懷疑] lack of trust or confidence | |
[熟練,精通] skillfulness in command of fundamentals deriving from practice and familiarity; expertise | |
[租約] rent; charter; engage for service under a term of the contract |
[一部分,部分] section or quantity within a larger thing; a part of a whole | |
[反叛] revolt; resist or defy an authority; break with established customs | |
[海的,航海的,海產的] sea-dwelling; maritime; naval | |
[運動,移動] self-propelled movement; power or ability to move |
[旅遊勝地] vacation spot; an act of turning to for assistance | |
[熟練的,精通的] skilled; expert; having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude | |
[採伐林木] clumsy or awkward; heavy, slow, and laborious | |
[照字面意義地,逐字地] with meaning; letter by letter |
[反叛] revolt; resist or defy an authority; break with established customs | |
[護城河,壕溝] deep wide ditch; ditch dug as a fortification and usually filled with water | |
[旅遊勝地] vacation spot; an act of turning to for assistance | |
[巡警] someone on patrol duty; an individual or a member of a group that patrols an area |
[先決條件] something that is required in advance; necessity; required as a prior condition | |
[隕星,隕石] stony or metallic mass of matter that has fallen to the earth's surface from outer space | |
[阻塞(道路,通道等),妨礙,阻撓] stop; impede; shut out from view | |
[解救,糾正,修復] relieve or cure; correct; repair |
[反叛] revolt; resist or defy an authority; break with established customs | |
[研究生] a student who continues studies after graduation | |
[成果,後果] result; end or consequence; a result of a random trial | |
[一千年,千禧年] a span of one thousand years; a thousandth anniversary |
[不管,不顧,不注意] without consideration; despite everything; anyway | |
[先決條件] something that is required in advance; necessity; required as a prior condition | |
[軌道,道路] way; a footway; course or track; route | |
[毒辣的言語,誹謗] speak evil of; bad-mouth; defame |
[生計,謀生] subsistence; financial means whereby one lives | |
[濾出,滴出,(思想,感情等)為人所感受到] spread gradually; cause the liquid to pass through small holes; filter | |
[軌道,道路] way; a footway; course or track; route | |
[照字面意義地,逐字地] with meaning; letter by letter |
[理解,感知,感覺] understanding; feeling; effect or product of perceiving | |
[不信任,不相信,懷疑] lack of trust or confidence | |
[從容的,悠閒的] unhurried; slow; taking abundant time | |
[爆米花] small kernels of corn exploded by heat |