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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 1 - 4 - Matching Quizzes |
[ケイ酸塩] compounds containing silicon, oxygen, and one or more metals; salt of silica acid | |
[半乾燥] relatively low annual rainfall of 25 to 50 centimeters | |
[ベテラン] someone who has given long service | |
[関税] tax on goods coming into a country |
[尊敬] religious zeal; willingness to serve God | |
[ベジタリアン] someone who doesn't eat meat or fish usually for religious or moral reasons | |
[シフト横] with the side forward; to or from a side | |
[スケープゴート] someone who bears the blame for others |
[防水] tight; unaffected by water; made of or covered with a material that doesn't allow water in | |
[スライドショー] slip; usually move in an uncontrolled manner; move smoothly along a surface | |
[解明] undo or ravel knitted fabric of; separate and clarify; solve | |
[回転] revolution; an act of rotating as if on an axis |
[紡績] rapidly rotating on an axis; whirling; circling | |
[回転] revolution; an act of rotating as if on an axis | |
[下水道] a waste pipe that carries away sewage or surface water; someone who sews | |
[酸味] taste experience when vinegar or lemon juice; showing ill humor |
[潜水] sink; immerse; put underwater | |
[象徴] represent; signify; stand for | |
[終了] stop; bring to an end or halt | |
[回転] revolution; an act of rotating as if on an axis |
[半乾燥] relatively low annual rainfall of 25 to 50 centimeters | |
[紡績] rapidly rotating on an axis; whirling; circling | |
[象徴] represent; signify; stand for | |
[スライドショー] slip; usually move in an uncontrolled manner; move smoothly along a surface |
[株] group of organisms within a species; tension; pressure | |
[反対改ざん] showing a natural gift for something | |
[敬礼] salty; containing salt; of or relating to chemical salts | |
[関税] tax on goods coming into a country |
[トランセンド] surpass; exceed; pass beyond the limits of | |
[海港] a sheltered port where ships can take on or discharge cargo | |
[証人] someone who sees an event and reports what happened; observe; watch | |
[像] sculpture representing a human or animal |
[シフト横] with the side forward; to or from a side | |
[紡績] rapidly rotating on an axis; whirling; circling | |
[転送] shifting; conveyance or removal of something from one place, person, or thing to another | |
[症状] sign; indication; any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient |
[シロアリ] a whitish soft-bodied ant-like social insect that feeds on wood; white ant | |
[敬礼] salty; containing salt; of or relating to chemical salts | |
[ビスタ] the distant view, especially through an opening, as between buildings or trees; outlook | |
[ベテラン] someone who has given long service |