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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 1 - 3 - Matching Quizzes |
[試練] severe trial; a form of trial to determine guilt or innocence; a difficult or painful experience | |
[叙情詩] a short poem of songlike; expressing deep personal emotion | |
[無視] so small, trifling, or unimportant that it may be easily disregarded | |
[多数] greater number or part; a number more than half of the total |
[採石場] victim; object of hunt; hunted animal | |
[多数] greater number or part; a number more than half of the total | |
[仲介] resolve or settle differences by working with all conflicting parties | |
[軌道] revolve around a center of attraction |
[残] remaining as a residue; surplus | |
[意味] significant; having meaning, function, or purpose | |
[空襲] search without warning; surprise attack by a small armed force | |
[仲介] resolve or settle differences by working with all conflicting parties |
[中世] very old-fashioned; as if belonging to the Middle Ages | |
[仲介] resolve or settle differences by working with all conflicting parties | |
[入手] stop; impede; shut out from view | |
[改] tall woody perennial grasses with hollow slender stems |
[ほぐれる] separate the fibers or threads of; clarify by separating the aspects of | |
[仲介] resolve or settle differences by working with all conflicting parties | |
[重複] representation of common ground between two things; extend over and cover a part of | |
[渡り鳥] wandering; moving from place to place; unsettled |
[貧民] very poor person; one living on or eligible for public charity | |
[試練] severe trial; a form of trial to determine guilt or innocence; a difficult or painful experience | |
[クワ] sweet usually dark purple blackberry-like fruit | |
[メリット] virtue; admirable quality or attribute; credit |
[小宇宙] a small, representative system having analogies to the larger system; miniature model of something | |
[神話] someone who tells a story | |
[無視] so small, trifling, or unimportant that it may be easily disregarded | |
[薄める] weaken the consistency; purify or refine; lessen the density |
[調査] voting; survey; some votes cast or recorded | |
[知覚] understanding; feeling; effect or product of perceiving | |
[入手] stop; impede; shut out from view | |
[ノッチ] small cut; V-shaped or U-shaped indentation carved or scratched into a surface |
[試練] severe trial; a form of trial to determine guilt or innocence; a difficult or painful experience | |
[ほぐれる] separate the fibers or threads of; clarify by separating the aspects of | |
[クワ] sweet usually dark purple blackberry-like fruit | |
[モルタル] a vessel in which substances are crushed or ground with a pestle; machine in which materials are ground and blended |
[オンス] unit of weight equal to one-sixteenth of a pound | |
[仲介] resolve or settle differences by working with all conflicting parties | |
[博物学] representing what is real; not abstract or ideal; producing the effect or appearance of nature | |
[知覚] understanding; feeling; effect or product of perceiving |