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Group 2 - Matching Quizzes |
(反対されそうな) open or liable to objection or debate; liable to cause disapproval | |
(小名) word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing | |
(先住民族) native; originating where it is found | |
(挫折) make null; bring to nothing; prevent from taking effect or attaining fulfillment |
(開陳) explain or describe in detail | |
(華やか) elaborately or excessively ornamented | |
(裏切り者) tranquil; not varying; uniform; not easily disturbed | |
(反対されそうな) open or liable to objection or debate; liable to cause disapproval |
(過剰) fill beyond capacity, especially with food; swallow greedlly | |
(方便) suitable; appropriate to a purpose; serving to promote your interest | |
(窃盗) unlawful taking and removing of another's personal property; theft | |
(恐ろしい) horrible; inspiring shock; extremely unpleasant or bad |
(扇動) goad or urge forward; provoke; incite | |
(傲慢) high; lofty; bold; arrogant; overbearing | |
(不屈) unconquerable; incapable of being overcome | |
(利用) make use of, sometimes unjustly |
(傲慢) high; lofty; bold; arrogant; overbearing | |
(華やか) elaborately or excessively ornamented | |
(行き詰まり) rise and fall in or as if in waves; shift; vary irregularly | |
(開陳) explain or describe in detail |
(食いしん坊) person who eats too much food and drink | |
(整合) quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness | |
(長寿) long life; great duration of life; long duration or continuance, as in an occupation | |
(騒ぎ) noisy, disorderly fight or quarrel; disturbance |
(空間) relating to use of technology in investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in court by law | |
(小名) word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing | |
(根絶) root out; eradicate, literally or figuratively; destroy wholly | |
(お世辞たらたら) offensively flattering or insincere; offensive; disgusting |
(巨大) imprison; put into jail; shut up or enclose | |
(無害) having no adverse effect; harmless | |
(系譜を) account or history of descent of person or family from ancestor; lineage | |
(反対されそうな) open or liable to objection or debate; liable to cause disapproval |
(演技) characteristic of acting or stage performance | |
(クモの糸) sheer, light, delicate, or tenuous | |
(不屈) unconquerable; incapable of being overcome | |
(華やか) elaborately or excessively ornamented |
(お世辞たらたら) offensively flattering or insincere; offensive; disgusting | |
(根絶) root out; eradicate, literally or figuratively; destroy wholly | |
(誇張) figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis; overstatement | |
(投棄) throw overboard; eject from boat, submarine, aircraft, or spaceship |