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Group 3 - Matching Quizzes |
(القطعية) offensively self-assured; dictatorial; not allowing contradiction or refusal | |
(حنين) homesickness; bittersweet longing for things of past. | |
(الخبيثة) deliberately harmful; spiteful; proceeding from extreme hatred | |
(همة) quality of endurance and courage; good temperament and character |
(مغلوط) error in naming person or place; name wrongly or unsuitably applied to a person or an object | |
(همة) quality of endurance and courage; good temperament and character | |
(ميريديان) of or pertaining to prostitutes; tastelessly showy; lustful; deceptive; misleading | |
(غامضة) dark and gloomy; thick with fog; vague |
(يعجل متهور) extremely steep; descending rapidly, or rushing onward | |
(المبكر) advanced in development; appearing or developing early | |
(وقت الاختبار) act of presuming, or believing upon probable evidence; act of assuming; belief upon incomplete proof | |
(دنيوية) belonging to this earth or world; not ideal or heavenly; concerned with commonplaces; ordinary |
(المفترسة) living by preying on other animals | |
(القاهر) all-powerful; having unlimited or universal power, authority, or force | |
(نبات القراص) cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations; vex | |
(الخبيثة) deliberately harmful; spiteful; proceeding from extreme hatred |
(الدواء الشافي) remedy for all diseases, evils, or difficulties; a cure-all | |
(المعرقلة) inclined to intrude or thrust one's self or one's opinions upon others; enter uninvited; forward; pushing; intrusive. | |
(الانتحال) theft of another's ideas or writings passed off as original | |
(العتيقة) no longer useful; outmoded; antiquated |
(المبتديء) relating to ships, sailors, or navigation | |
(تسكع) follow a winding and turning course; move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction | |
(مفارقة) something apparently contradictory in nature; statement that looks false but is actually correct | |
(يعجل متهور) extremely steep; descending rapidly, or rushing onward |
(المتحذلق) one who is overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning | |
(الرعن) natural elevation, especially a rock that projects into the sea; cliff; headland; high cape | |
(محفوفة بالمخاطر) uncertain; risky; dangerously lacking in security or stability | |
(الانتحال) theft of another's ideas or writings passed off as original |
(حنين) homesickness; bittersweet longing for things of past. | |
(تحجر) convert wood or other organic matter into stony replica; cause to become stiff or stonelike | |
(الانتحال) theft of another's ideas or writings passed off as original | |
(همة) quality of endurance and courage; good temperament and character |
(المسؤولية) burden or obligation; difficult or disagreeable responsibility or necessity | |
(القاهر) all-powerful; having unlimited or universal power, authority, or force | |
(ابتذال) dullness; insipidity of thought; commonplace statement; lack of originality | |
(النسيان) condition or quality of being completely forgotten; official overlooking of offenses; amnesty |
(تسكع) follow a winding and turning course; move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction | |
(عامي) crude or coarse; unrefined or coarse in nature or manner; common or vulgar | |
(هيبة) impression produced by achievements or reputation; recognized distinction or importance | |
(ابتذال) dullness; insipidity of thought; commonplace statement; lack of originality |