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Group 3 - Matching Quizzes |
(빛이없는) dullness; insipidity of thought; commonplace statement; lack of originality | |
(전능) all-powerful; having unlimited or universal power, authority, or force | |
(육중한) slow and laborious because of weight; labored and dull | |
(악의) enmity of heart; malevolence; ill will; spirit delighting in harm or misfortune to another |
(소우주) small, representative system having analogies to larger system; miniature model of something | |
(악성) deliberately harmful; spiteful; proceeding from extreme hatred | |
(다진 소고기 요리) slight offense; small sin or fault | |
(평민) crude or coarse; unrefined or coarse in nature or manner; common or vulgar |
(눈물을 잘 흘리는) tearfully sentimental; over-emotional; sickly-sentimental | |
(빛이없는) dullness; insipidity of thought; commonplace statement; lack of originality | |
(금전) relating to money; requiring payment of money | |
(만병 통치약) remedy for all diseases, evils, or difficulties; a cure-all |
(독백) speech uttered by a person alone; dramatic soliloquy | |
(꾀까다로운) ill humored; sullen; depressingly dark; gloomy; persistent | |
(완고한) hardened in wrongdoing or wickedness; not giving in to persuasion | |
(오래된) no longer useful; outmoded; antiquated |
(쐐기풀) cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations; vex | |
(전주곡) introduction; forerunner; preliminary or preface | |
(눈물을 잘 흘리는) tearfully sentimental; over-emotional; sickly-sentimental | |
(무수한) of very large or indefinite number; of ten thousand |
(눈물을 잘 흘리는) tearfully sentimental; over-emotional; sickly-sentimental | |
(꾀까다로운) ill humored; sullen; depressingly dark; gloomy; persistent | |
(세심한) excessively careful; marked by extreme care in treatment of details | |
(태평) inattentive or unmindful; lacking all memory; forgetful |
(가파른) extremely steep; descending rapidly, or rushing onward | |
(추방하다) exclude from community or group; banish by popular vote | |
(칭송하는 글) formal or high praise; formal eulogistic composition intended as public compliment | |
(임시) temporary; provided for present need only |
(금전) relating to money; requiring payment of money | |
(만병 통치약) remedy for all diseases, evils, or difficulties; a cure-all | |
(프레스 티지) impression produced by achievements or reputation; recognized distinction or importance | |
(독백) speech uttered by a person alone; dramatic soliloquy |
(소우주) small, representative system having analogies to larger system; miniature model of something | |
(전주곡) introduction; forerunner; preliminary or preface | |
(칭송하는 글) formal or high praise; formal eulogistic composition intended as public compliment | |
(악성) deliberately harmful; spiteful; proceeding from extreme hatred |
(금전) relating to money; requiring payment of money | |
(프레스 티지) impression produced by achievements or reputation; recognized distinction or importance | |
(평범한) moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary; commonplace | |
(악의) enmity of heart; malevolence; ill will; spirit delighting in harm or misfortune to another |